Where to Start
Show me the money!
Okey dokey. Take a deep breath. If you are a senior, and you survived the application/essay process, and you thought the hard work was over ...think again. There's another whole process waiting for you, and that is the search-for-scholarships game!
YES! There is money out there to help you pay for college. Unfortunately, it doesn't just fall from the sky (although that sure would be nice, wouldn't it?!). First you have to find the right scholarship, and then you have to prove that they should give it to YOU!!
What? Where? How??
Small Scale Search - Local scholarships are always easier to earn than national scholarships. (Fewer applicants, better odds!)
Anyone can check their local high schools' guidance pages for lists of local scholarships; note that you aren't limited to looking ONLY at your own school's page. For the most part, in any given area, local scholarships are open to any local student, and not restricted to students at a specific high school. Check the requirements for each, though, before you apply.
If you live in the Columbia (Missouri) area, here are the local high school pages where you can find local scholarship listings:
Battle's scholarship listing
Hickman's scholarship listing
Rock Bridge's scholarship listing
Tolton's scholarship listing
Large Scale Search - Once you've checked and re-checked the local market for scholarships, you can hit the big scholarship websites. These are a long shot, but if you take the time to look for the scholarship that is right for YOU, your odds are better! (I don't recommend using ALL of these unless you are trying to lose your mind. Find just a few sites you like, and use them!)
Scholar Snapp - This one is fairly new, and comes highly recommended by other college coaches. Plus, sophomores and juniors can complete their profile NOW, to be ahead of the game in years to come!
Education Planner
College Board
College Net
Yes! It's hard work! That's kind of like LIFE, right? Find the right opportunities, work hard to pursue them, and reap the rewards!
When you combine scholarships with the financial aid package from your school, college becomes less of a dream and more of a reality. If you are perplexed by the aid letter from your school, check our guide to understanding your financial aid package for some pointers.
May the odds be ever in your favor.
Good luck!
You won't get ANY scholarships unless you apply!